
Visit the Central Texas Wing of the Commemorative Air Force at the San Marcos Airport in San Marcos, Texas

Call: 512-396-1943

Open to the public Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 9:00 - 4:00pm
No entry fee, but we recommended a $3 donation to keep them flying!!!

1841 Airport Dr.
Blding. 2249
San Marcos, TX 78666





Q:         How do I join the CAF and the Centex Wing?
A:         Applications for national CAF and Wing membership are available at the Hangar and online (see the following links).  National dues are $200 per year and dues for the Central Texas Wing is $50 per year.  You are welcome to visit at the hangar and attend a meeting prior to joining if you would like to get a feel for the organization. 
CAF membership form:  /forms/1_12_ColonelAp.pdf
Central Texas Wing form:  /forms/Centex_Application.pdf

Q:        Are uniforms required and if so where can they be purchased?
A:        The ‘official’ shirt is a dark blue short or long sleeved shirt with the CAF wings and logo in silver.  This shirt is available from the HQ PX.  Although not a uniform per se, it is worn when participating in official CAF HQ related activities, and Conferences.  The Centex Wing periodically orders these shirts customized with your name and indicating that you are a member of the Central Texas Wing. 

Q:        What aircraft are at the Centex Hangar?
A:        Several CAF aircraft are assigned to Central Texas Wing.  A U-3A in navy colors, a rare Bell P-39, A BT-13 Trainer currently under restoration and the popular B-25 Yellow Rose.  Two CAF aircraft support groups have aircraft in the hangar too.  The P-63 King Cobra, and the Nakajima B5N Kate replica flown in the movie Tora Tora Tora and Pearl Harbor.  It is also flown in the popular Tora re-enactments at air shows around the country.  Members with aircraft that meet requirements established by the Wing Staff also have aircraft in the hangar.

Q:        What are the activities associated with the aircraft?
A:        The aircraft participate in air shows occasionally.  Many of the pilot-owners of hangar aircraft participate in flyovers in the local area and frequently practice formation flying.  Once a year, the units hold a Fly Day and give members and their families an opportunity to ride in some of the aircraft in the hangar.

Q:        Can I participate in those activities?
A:         Yes!  The B-25 takes members to air shows to man the mobile PX.  A ground school for the B-25 is held every year that explains the systems, flying activities, crew duties, etc.  It is highly advisable to attend the school if you are interested in supporting those activities.  Anyone who wants to have a more hands-on experience can go through the Flight Mechanic training to be a member of the crew on B-25 flights.  Also, for many of the flyovers, back seat rides are available in participating aircraft. 

Q:         Are there other opportunities for rides?
A:         Yes.  The B-25 participates in the CAF ride-for-hire program and occasionally offers rides for sale.   Also, there are General Aviation (GA) aircraft owned by Wing members.  When they are flown there are often empty seats available for Wing members.  Usually the people who are around the hangar most often will know when these flights are available. 

Q:        How does the Wing make all the activities come together?
A:        Everything is run by members (also called volunteers).  There is an elected Wing Staff with responsibilities in various areas.  The Wing cannot be successful without committed volunteers.  Activities and events are organized and planned at monthly meetings.

Q:        How does a new member volunteer?
A:        On your application you indicate your interests. That information is shared with applicable Committee Chairpersons. Additionally, all new members are encouraged to attend a formal orientation session where matters concerning the Wing are openly discussed.  This is the forum for you to pose additional questions.  Finally, just come to the hangar and announce you are there to get acquainted and want to help.  We’ll do the rest; there will be a New Member Coordinator there to meet you.  The hangar is open from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.  There may be people there at other times, but you shouldn’t count on it without prior arrangement.

Q:        What if I do not live close to the Hangar?
A:         There are remote volunteer opportunities.  Some members carpool from surrounding communities.   

Q:         Can my spouse be a member?
A:        Certainly, and it is encouraged.  Also, teenagers can become Cadets.  Membership requirements for a spouse/significant other are the same as for you.  Cadet fees are somewhat less and involve a different application form.  Your spouse/partner is welcome to attend meetings and activities.

Q:        How are communications handled at the Wing?
A:        Through a variety of methods.  Monthly, members will receive newsletters from CAF HQ and from the Wing. Also, there are monthly membership meetings held at the hangar.  The hangar break room has a bulletin board where timely information is posted.  The best way to get the ‘scoop’ is come to the hangar frequently. 

Q:        Does the Wing have a Web Page and Email?
A:         Yes!  The HQ Web Page is www.commemorativeairforce.org and the Wing Web Page is www.cafcentex.org.  

Q:        What is a work party?
A:        An activity planned at the hangar on Saturdays to keep the building in tip top shape and perform ongoing maintenance on the aircraft and equipment.  There are additional tasks that need regular attention.  The hangar is open 4 days a week and there are activities going on all the time.  You are invited to come as often as possible.  Maintenance work is generally scheduled on M-W-F-S of each week.

Q:        When are my HQ annual dues ($200) due?
A:       Each year on your membership anniversary.  The dues can be paid through the HQ Web Page or by US Mail.  You should be notified by mail when your dues anniversary is approaching.

Q:           When are my Wing annual dues ($50) to be paid?

A:            January 1st each year.  Your dues can be paid in person, mailed, or paid at our PX.  Dues are pro-rated is you’re joining mid-year.

Q:           Does the Wing have periodic social/fun activities?
A:            Yes!  The annual Dinner Dance held at Veterans Day is a ‘blast’ and also a fund-raiser for the Wing.  Get your tickets early.  Everyone works to put on this event.  We also hold an annual Casino Night and Golf Classic.  We also have an annual Christmas party and Fly Day for families.  Your monthly Wing newsletter announces many activities.

Q:           When are Officers elected to Wing positions?
A:            November.  They take their offices on January 1st.  Officers serve two-year terms and the terms are staggered. 

Q:           Are there activities outside of the Hangar?
A:            Yes!  Many times the Wing is asked to supply speakers to tell about our organization.  Also, the Wing is asked to set-up displays of WWII memorabilia and help host interest in our displays.

Q:           Can I contribute to the restoration and upkeep of a specific aircraft maintained by the Wing?
A:            Certainly and it is encouraged.  There are several levels of support--all are acknowledged.  You should contact the Maintenance Officer if you are interested. 

Q:           What does the 501 (C) 3 designation mean to me?
A:            We are a tax-exempt charitable organization. You will have charitable deductions on your federal and state taxes if you file the long form. This includes your dues to HQ, Centex Wing and contributions to the museum and sponsorship of aircraft.

Q:           Do I have to pay to ride in a Wing’s aircraft?
A:            If you are a Crew member and/or are working on an aircraft there is no fee.  As a member you may be entitled to a ride on one of the Wing’s aircraft after you have become involved and contributed to Wing activities, subject to available seats, etc.

Q:           What should I know about the Monthly Membership meetings?
A:            Centex meetings are held up stairs in the Officer’s Club.  Lunch is served before the meeting around 11:30.  A $5 per person contribution helps offset the cost of the meal.

Q:           Who should I talk to if I have other questions?
A:            The best thing to do is drop by the hangar and ask anyone who volunteers there.  We’re a friendly group.  We’ll get you in touch with the right person to answer any questions you may have.