
Visit the Central Texas Wing of the Commemorative Air Force at the San Marcos Airport in San Marcos, Texas

Call: 512-396-1943

Open to the public Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 9:00 - 4:00pm
No entry fee, but we recommended a $3 donation to keep them flying!!!

1841 Airport Dr.
Blding. 2249
San Marcos, TX 78666



The Central Texas Wing,
Col. John Stokes Memorial Library

The beautiful Col. John J. Stokes, Sr., Memorial Library was built by Col. Fraye Stokes in honor of her late husband. Col. John Stokes founded the Central Texas Wing of the Commemorative Air Force in 1974, and generously donated time and money to help assure the success of the Commemorative Air Force and the CenTex Wing. At one time, John owned more than forty "Warbirds." He was instrumental in restoring the C.A.F.'s P-38 Lightning, Scatterbrain Kid II, and he donated the money to cover the restoration expenses of the Bell P-39 Airacobra, remaining it's sole sponsor over the years. The J.S.M. Library is located in the CenTex Wing's wooden World War II hangar and contains John's memorabilia along with artifacts, prints and original paintings of airplanes and hundreds of books. The J.S.M. Library is a "must see" when you visit the Central Texas Wing.